# Help yourself to this. If you find a bug or improve on it, please let me have a copy back!
# (c) Gareth Evans Feb 2011
# Format of data is
#Output format is
#Keep first and last lines, delete 1 in n lines, so total number of lines is 25
import sys, optparse
def write (where, what):
#print what
where.write (what)
def printStack (output, stack):
count = 0
modulus = 1 + len(stack) / 22
print "Stack size %d mod %d "%(len (stack), modulus)
while len (stack):
myline = stack.pop(0)
if count == 0:
myline = "from:" + myline + " "
write (output, myline)
if not (count % modulus):
myline = "to:" + myline + " "
write (output, myline)
count += 1
myline = "to:" + myline + " "
write (output, myline)
def main (options, args):
image = open(options.image, "r").readlines()
print "len %d name %s" % (len(image), options.image)
namebody = options.image.split('.')
name = "output_" + namebody[0] + ".txt"
print name
output = open (name, "w")
coordinate = 0
stack = []
print "len image %d" % len(image)
while len(image):
myline = image.pop (0)
pos = myline.find("<coordinates>")
#print "coords %d pos %d len image %d data %s" % (coordinate, pos, len(image), myline)
if coordinate == 0:
if pos >= 0:
coordinate = 1
if coordinate == 1:
if pos >= 0:
data = myline[(pos + len("<coordinates>")):].split(',')
data = myline.split(',')
if (len(data) > 1):
stack.append ("%s,%s" % (data[1], data[0]))
if myline.find("</coordinates>") >= 0:
coordinate = 0
printStack (output, stack)
if __name__ == '__main__':
option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
option_parser.add_option('-i', '--image', dest='image', help=' image', default='./file.txt')
options, args = option_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
main (options, args)